“There have to be reasons that you get up in the morning and you want to live. Why do you want to live? What’s the point? What inspires you? What do you love about the future? If the future does not include being out there among the stars and being a multi-planet species, I find that incredibly depressing.”

Elon Musk
Technology Entrepreneur
- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap4, JavaScript
- MongoDB
- The basic digital image processing steps in the term project given in the Digital Image Processing course were developed as a package program with the C programming language without the use of a ready-made library and function.
- A GUI design was made with C# Windows Form for the digital image processing package program to be used.
- Open and change the picture
- In the operation menus; selection of operations to be applied on the picture
- Save the picture
- Turn the picture to gray level
- Crop the picture
- Drawing the histogram of the picture
- Converting the picture to its original
- Apply a blur filter to the picture
- Apply a sharpen filter to the picture
- Apply a median filter to the picture.
- Applying Laplace filter to the picture
- Apply an edge find filter to the image
- Expanding the picture in Black and White
- Erosion in black and white painting
- Opening the picture in Black and White
- Closing in black and white picture
- Finding threshold value in the picture with gray level
A package program that includes its operations has been developed.
[December 2019]
- A GUI design was made with C# Windows Form for the digital image processing package program to be used.
- Python-Selenium
- Pandas, Numpy, EDA
- Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis, Sentiment Classifier
- BERT NLP model
- Text normalization, symspell compound, spell check, sentiment analysis, aspect-based sentiment analysis
- Java Spring Framework JPA ve REST, Postman, Flask API
- Kotlin, Java, AndroidX Architecture Components, Firebase, Glide, Retrofit, Koin, Dagger, REST API, OOP, RxJava, Masterpass Payment, Push notifications, JSON, XML, Git, Zeplin, Jira.
MVVM & Clean Architecture
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Bootstrap 4
- SQLite
- MongoDB
- x86 Assembly
- PHP 7
- Python 3+
- RE
- Selenium
- PyMongo
- Flask
- PyQt5
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Spacy
- SymSpellPy – Spympound
- Scikit-Learn
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- Swing
- Android
- Spring JPA
- Spring REST
- AndroidX Architecture Components
- Firebase
- Glide
- Retrofit
- Koin
- Dagger
- RxJava
- Masterpass Payment
- Push notifications
- Clean Architecture
- Windows 10 + Year
- (XP, Vista, W7, W10)
- Linux
- Ubuntu 18
- Ubuntu 20
- Kali Linux
- MacOS
- Ventura (Currently)
- Monday
- Jira
- Confluence
- Zabbix
- Git
- Bitbucket
- Gitlab
- Docker
- Google Colab
- Google Cloud
- Adobe Photoshop
- Spyder
- Jupyter Notebook
- Brackets
- Sublime Text
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- Visual Studio Code
- Android Studio
- Intellij IDEA
- Eclipse
- Spring Tool Suite
- DataGrip
- PyCharm
- DBeaver
- Anaconda
- Appserv
- Studio 3T
- PAC Manager